In consultation with OSC, train managers and supervisors on their responsibilities under the PPP and whistleblower protection provisions of Title 5. There are two required trainings—triennial training on the fourteen (14) PPPs and annual training on how to address disclosures of wrongdoing and respond to complaints of retaliation.
For the triennial training, OSC strongly recommends in-person, interactive training, especially for high-level managers and supervisors. As a resource for agencies, OSC offers dynamic speakers who are subject matter experts in the PPPs and whistleblower protections. Each OSC presentation is interactive, providing numerous examples of prohibited conduct and time for supervisors and managers to ask questions. Agencies can email OSC at to request a speaker. For the annual training (only), OSC can provide training or agencies may use a newly developed PowerPoint (PDF) to meet the statutory training requirement.
Supervisory training should be tracked to ensure that all supervisors have been trained prior to filling out the compliance form. Please note that agencies must obtain prior approval from OSC before disseminating forms or training materials created by an agency or outside entity to satisfy the training requirements of the Certification Program.
• Annual Supervisory Training PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
• PPP and Whistleblower Disclosures Training Quiz (Please contact OSC at if your agency would like to use the quiz and has over 1,000 supervisors and managers.)